Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Complete Family

Pat and I recently have an addition to our family.  No, Pat didn’t tell me 9 months ago that we would be expecting.  The stork did not fly in and drop a baby down the chimney.  Thankfully, Laura and Chris have not moved back to our home, Ha, Ha!  
We have been blessed to have John, Pat’s dad, come to stay with us for a time.   I have seen TV shows like “The Walton’s,” where there are families blending together.   In the setting of that show, the 40’s and 50’s, parents would have children at home, a wife and husband, then grandma and grandpa living in the same household was a common thing.  I know that there are several families at church that I attend, where a parent has now joined the home of a son or daughter.  I am happy to say we now have joined those families.  What a pleasure this is to have him come to stay with us for as long as he will have us. 
I know that we are intruding in on his life and privacy but it’s time we fulfilled that Godly based commandment.  A simple request Jesus made to his brother, John, “See your mother.”
A few years back Pat and I began preparing for this honor, when we purchased our one level home.  We worked on the home and got it so that it has our own personal stamp. 
When my mother was faced with a similar need, my sister Sharon went to live in the same home.  I think Sharon received the benefit of mom’s knowledge and patience in handling that challenge.  Hopefully, Pat and I can gain the same from John, as he encourages us to grow and develop as a stronger family.  The first thing that I have learned from John, even with the problems of age, at times not being able to remember the day, where he is, or whether or not his is ill.  He does still remember how and why we talk to God.

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