Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Revolt

It must have been about 3 A.M. when I woke from a deep sleep, cold and shivering.  I reached for the comforter thinking I could ignore the pressure on my bladder if only I could warm from the cold.  The house was cool as always, one of the measures we had put in place to save money.  Lying there, I thought that wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but still it didn’t help now.  I reached for the cover once again but to my disappointment it wasn’t where it should be.  I looked over in the darkness; Pat was there, covered just about like me.  A sheet and light blanket, but where was the heavy comforter?   I stretched out to the maximum; unable to go further, I was restrained by my own breathing.  I’m one of those people who snore so loud that I could wake myself from the deepest sleep.  So I wear a CPAC mask.  The mask is confining because of the hose that runs back to the machine.  So I was reaching as far as I could, restrained down by my hose and unable to reach the extra cover.  Did Pat kick the extra cover off?  I wouldn’t think so; I had it pulled up under my chin as I feel asleep.  Where is it now?  Gremlins, I guess!  Laying my mask on the table beside the bed, I reached on down, finally able to find the cover at the foot of the bed.  Settling back into my place on the bed I pulled the cover up, making sure Pat got her share, because I’m sure she must be cool also.  Yes, that helps!  Reaching over and replacing my mask. Breathe! Breathe! Relax! Crap, now I do have to go.  Pushing the covers out of the way and to the bathroom I accomplish my task. 
I’m back now. Sleep-that would be nice.  A cold bed! I took too long in the bathroom.  First lie back in the bed and find the covers. What happened?  The gremlins again, I guess.  Pat must have not wanted them on her while I was gone. That would be much more logical.  Sleep, I need more sleep.  Better put on the mask and try to relax. Reaching over to find the device in the dark, I find it has come apart.  Now that’s just too much for one night.
Pat getting up, said, “You want the light on?”  “Sure! Maybe that will help!” I’m not getting it done with the light anyway.
Seems like when one item revolts other must follow.  Check for yourself.  I’m not saying things happen in 3’s like deaths.  It’s just that when inanimate items go bad, they pile on. 

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