Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have heard this long enough! It is time to say my peace.  Every time the national media talks about a Firefighter or Police officer, they refer to them as a hero. 
I must say, I don’t believe I have ever met a hero.  I know several police officers, and firefighters, they are nice people.  They go to work just as they are supposed to, they, as far as I know don’t rob, steal or beat their kids.  I admit they have a job that is trying, that is at times dangerous or even is very stressful.  But hero, no! 

Give the hero’s their due honor.
I have a son that is a Navy Chief; he has been around the world serving our country and us for 19 years.  He, as far as I know goes to work each day as he is supposed to, he doesn’t rob, steal or beat his kids. I admit his job is trying, that it is at times dangerous or even very stressful.  But he’s no hero!
Recently Dakota Meyer was awarded the Medal of Honor during a ceremony in the White House on September 15, 2011.  This for repeatedly rushing into enemy fire to save his fellow soldiers, I do consider him a hero myself, he does not.  The men and women firefighters and police officers that gave their lives trying to save others during the terror attack of 9/11 they are hero’s.  Just because someone carries the name of something does not make them a hero.  For some odd reason we place actors, sports persons in the same light as heroes.  They are not.
There it is, please don’t cheapen this honor that we give to those that either gave their lives or did an extra feat of selflessness.



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