Saturday, February 11, 2012

Changes are Good?

I must have been in first or second grade when my father added a bathroom to our two bedroom home in Peoria.  The home was small, to say the least, especially since there was my father, mother, myself and then my three sisters.  There was a front room, kitchen with mud room and of course the two bedrooms.  My being the odd ball I slept in the mud room.  I really don’t remember using the outhouse there at the house.  But I must have, since I lived there.  That was a good change; I’m very glad somebody figured that out.  Changes are good?
One of my mother’s favorite Sunday activities was for the family to take a drive to down town Peoria and window shop.  There was nothing opened so we would walk the main streets looking into the shop windows.  Carson Pierre Scott and Wards were always her favorites.  Looking at the furniture and the dresses in the windows made her happy; we all had a good time.  Then after church in the evening we would go by the A & W for a root beer.   When the big box stores opened up, I think it was Kmart first; there was no need any more to window shop.  Today, all stores are open, even on holidays making shopping a 24/7 activity.  Maybe that change is better, maybe not.  Being able to get what you want when you want, is not all bad, I think!  Changes are good?
Over the years there have been many changes, some personal and some on a global scale.  I have been married now over 40 years.  Life has been sweet, with an attractive, smart wife, two kids, boy and girl of course.  My wife and I are somewhat successful; we are still working on it at least.  I do enjoy a trip now and again, sometimes to the beach and sometimes to an area like Las Vegas to enjoy the atmosphere.   I have been there a couple times, accompanying Pat during a business trip.  The golf is great and seeing Boulder Dam is very interesting.  Gambling is not my thing.  I think Pat and I have worked too hard for what we have to take one spin and lose it, that is not fun for me.  I do understand there are those that like going to Nevada for gambling.  That is there way.  I believe the State of Ohio is trying to make it easier for them to gamble here.  First the lottery was put in effect a few years back for the benefit of the schools.  Now, they are placing gambling casinos in three different areas of the state, is this for the schools as well? Why only three, wouldn’t more be better for the competition?  Changes are good, right?
I have a suggestion for the powers that control the states finance!  Instead of adding more and more programs to be paid by the state (citizens), stop and see where the money is coming from first.  I’m afraid that if the politicians keep up the spending they may try to bring legalized prostitution to Ohio, just think of all the women that would put back to work.  Plus all the good and happiness that would be spread when that starts.  Changes are good, right?